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Singer Paul Okoye aka Rudeboy has come under attack from an online beggar who asked for financial help from him.

The online beggar who goes by the name Moriah lashed out the singer when he failed to attend to his needs. According to the individual, Paul Okoye is a dirty bastard for ignoring to help.

See screenshots;


  1. مرحبا بجميع عملاءنا الاعزاء مع احسن خدمات مركزاصلاح ميكرويف شارب ،نحن نعتبر
    ارخص و اسرع اصلاح ميكروويف تفضلها فى القاهرة حيث اننا نصل اليك فى نفس يوم
    تقديم طلب الاصلاح مهما كان مكان اقامتك فى اى مكان
    داخل مصرلآن المراكز متخصص فى تقديم اعمال تصليح مشاكل الميكرويف شارب لما يقرب من 20سنة و خبرتنا الطويلة
    تتكلم عنا لاننا لدينا من الخبرات فى كل موديلات
    ميكرويف شارب مما يجعلنا نتميز عن كل من
    مراكز الصيانة الاخرى ما عليك هو الاتصال على تليفون صيانة ميكروويف شارب وهو وسيلة التواصل الاولى و طريقة طلب
    خدمة مركز تصليح ميكرويف شارب من خلاله
    يمكنك الحصول على ال خدمة المميزة فى شارب
    والتصليح الفورية فى اعطال الميكرويف التى تصلك فى اقصر وقت و فى مكان اقامتك داخل القاهرة و المحافظات و ننفذ لك التصليح الفورية فى
    معظم منتجات شارب المنزلية و لجميع
    انواع الميكروويف لا تتأخر فى الاتصال بنا اذا صادفك عطل فى جهاز الميكرويف فنحن جاهزون دائما للاصلاح الفورية ب المنزل فى اى مكان و لآى موديل من موديلات شارب كما من التزامنا ان نحذر
    من كثيرمن مراكز الصيانة التى تدعى انها تنفذ التصليح ببيتك ولكنها فى الحقيقة بمجرد
    ان تصل لمنزلك\مكانك تتحجج بأى سبب و تقنعك انه لا يصلح التصليح بالمنزل و
    يجب ان يتم نقله و تلك المركز وهمية و هى
    فى الاساس لا تمتلك فنيين تخصصوا على الصيانة
    ببيتك و كل هدفهم هو نقل الجهاز بعيد عن
    متابعة العميل لجعله حقل تجارب و لفرض مصاريف تصليح ضخمة على العميل نحن الوحيدون
    الذين يوفروا صيانة بالمنزل فعلا لذا نختلف عن اى مراكز شارب اخر ، يقوم مركز تصليح ميكروويف شارب ببتوفير ارشادات
    ما قبل الاصلاح لمنتجات شارب , فيمكنك تعلم استعمال اجهزة
    شارب من البداية , والتعرف علي الطرق الصحيحة للمحافظة
    علي سلامة اجهزة شارب الكهربائية, كما
    نقوم بتدريب فيين اصلاح شارب على
    احدث اساليب تكنولوجيا اصلاح شارب
    والتدريب على احدث منتجات كشف
    الاعطال الحديثة الخاصة فى منتجات شارب الالكترونية
    ،معنا تستطيع الحصول على نصائح و
    ارشادات للمحافظة على ميكرويف شارب من التلف السريع و
    ايضا لزيادة العمر التشغيلى
    لفرن الميكرويف و ذلك عن طريق التواصل معنا اما عبر موقعنا لصيانة الميكرويف شارب او عن
    طريف الاتصال عبر التليفون على الرقم الموحد و
    التى تتم على جميع افران ميكرويف شارب المحلية و
    المستورده و نحن بحرصنا على تركيب قطع غيار اصلية نضمن تقديم خدمة بتقنية عالية
    و بارخص الاسعار حيث اننا نوفر
    على العميل مصاريف نقل الجهاز من و الى المركز لآننا لا ننقل جهاز شارب ابدا من منزل العميل ما عليك
    سوى ان تتصل بنا نصلك اينما كنت وفى نفس اليوم و الصيانة فورى مهما
    كان صعوبة عطل ميكرويف شارب لاننا لدينا المهندسين و الفنيين القادرين على تحديد العطل و الصيانة
    بجودة فى اى جهاز شارب كما اننا نقدر وقت العميل من حيث الوصول اليه فى نفس اليوم و القيام بالخدمة
    كاملة فى منزله دون تعطيل
    لذا نحن مراكز التصليح الاول لميكرويف شارب
    و المتخصص الوحيد فى تقديم ال
    خدمة الممتازة فى تصليح شارب بمنزلك بأرخص الاسعار خبراء الاصلاح المتخصصون مهندسون خبراء فى مجال
    عملهم اكتسبوا الخبرة اللازمة في مراكزنا مدربون على فنون الاصلاح المتقدمةبشهاده خبرة وكفاءة اكفاء في عملهم ، مهندسون وفنيون لصيانة افران الميكروويف وهم مهارة في كشف المشاكل بالمنتجات لاننا نستخدم احدث الامكانيات الموجوده بالاسواق والتكنولوجيا
    العاليه في مجالنا مما يجعلنا نتميز عن غيرنا لاننا اول من عمل فى
    مجال صيانة الميكرويف فى مصر تتم الخدمة بنركيب قطع الغيار الاصلية التى تضمن مهارة مستوى الاصلاح
    المقدم من مركز تصليح شارب اجهزة
    الكهربائية و افران الميكرويف لذا نحن نعتبر
    المتخصصون الاوائل في مصر فقط اتصل على
    علي الرقم المخصص فى خدمة عملاء ميكروويف شارب
    مصر تجد لدينا مفهوم الخدمة المثالبة
    المدعوم بقطع الغيار الاصلية و المقدم بفريق عمل فنيين المركز المدربيت على تنفيد طلب الاصلاح اللازمة لأجهزتكم المنزلية على اعلى مستوى يزيد من التقنية
    العالية لميكرويف شارب و يطيل
    العمر التشعيلى لجهاز , تحقيق ما
    يتمناه العميل من تقنية و تميز وارضاء العميل عن طريق فريق عمل
    من المهندسين من هم علي درجة عاليه من المهارة ويدركوا جميع التفاصيل الفنية
    المدربين على الاصلاح الفورى ومعنا الدعم الفنى من المراكز الى العميل مباشرةً
    من الجمعة الى الخميس طوال اليوم نصلك اينما كنت
    بالخدمة الفورية المميزة و الكفاءة العالية فى تصليح شارب و باقل التكلفة مما يحقق لك شيئا مميزا يعانى منها العملاء من سوء أختيار ” المهندس او المركز ”
    الغير مناسبة لتصليح ميكرويف شارب نحن
    الاقوى ، الافضل ،المتميزون ،رقى الفنى فى التعامل مع عملاء ميكرويف شارب الاعزاء خدمة فورية وسريعة بالمنزل بدون ازعاج فى جميع طلبات خدمات الاصلاح المنزلية
    تتوفر تلك قطع الغيار مع مندوب المركز الذى يقوم بتقديم خدمة اصلاح ميكرويف شارب لعملاء المركز الكرام مما يعنى اسرع خدمة تصلك و الاصلاح فورى
    فى نفس اليوم و هذا لا يتحقق مطلقا
    فى اى مركز تصليح منافس اخر
    مساكن شيراتون – مدينة نصر – العباسية – جسر السويس – عين شمس – السواح – الاميرية – سراى القبة – مصر القديمة – جامع عمرو – البساتين – شبرا مصر – وسط
    البلد – شبرا الخيمة – حدائق القبة – شارع بورسعيد – الوايلى – مسطرد – المطرية – الزاوية – السواح – السيدة زينب -الامام
    الشافعى– السيدة عائشة – بولاق
    الدكرور – الوراق – امبابة – الدقى – المهندسن – العجوزة – المقطم
    – الهضبة الوسطى – القطامية – عزبة النخل – المرج – مدينة 6 اكتوبر – مدينة الشيخ زايد- زايد 2000-
    الفردوس – حدائق اكتوبر – الحوامدية -البدرشين
    – العياط – الجيزة – ام المصريين – المنيب
    – ترسا – الهرم – فيصل – حدائق الاهرام
    – المريوطية – المعادى – دجلة –
    ثكنات المعادى – حلوان – التبين- المعصرة – 15 مايو – منشية ناصر – الدويقة – السيدة عائشة
    – التجمع الخامس – القاهرة الجديدة – الرحاب – مدينتى – الشروق – العبور – مصر الجديدة – النزهة الجديدة – زهراء
    المعادى – مدينة المعراج – القطامية
    – الماظة – الجلاء – المطار – ارض
    الجولف – شارع الثورة – عمارات العبور –
    الالف مسكن – منشية البكرى – روكسى – الزيتون -حدائق الزيتون–
    منشية الصدر – دير الملاك – حمامات القبة – المطرية

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    I’m having black coffee, he’s having a cappuccino.
    He could be handsome. Brown hair slicked back, glasses that are great for his
    face, hazel eyes and the prettiest lips I’ve seen. They’re
    quality, with incredible arms and a chest that is
    unique for this sweater. We’re standing in front of each other talking about people, what we want for future years, what we’re trying to find on another
    person. He starts saying that he’s got been rejected
    a great deal of times.

    ‘Why Andrew? You’re so handsome. I’d never reject you ‘, I
    say He smiles at me, biting his lip.

    ‘Oh, I don’t know. Everything happens for grounds right.
    But inform me, make use of reject me, can you Ana?’ He said.

    ‘No, how could I?’ , I replied

    “So, utilize mind if I kissed you at the moment?’ he was quoted saying as I receive closer to him and kiss him.

    ‘The next time don’t ask, do exactly it.’ I reply.

    ‘I enjoy how you think.’ , he said.

    In the meantime, I start scrubbing my hindfoot in his leg, massaging it slowly. ‘Exactly what do that suits you in females? And, Andrew, don’t spare me the details.’ I ask.

    ‘I like determined women. Someone to know what they have to want. Somebody who won’t say yes although I said yes. Someone who’s unafraid when attemping something mroe challenging,’ he says. ‘I’m never afraid when trying something mroe challenging, especially in regards to making interesting things in bed ‘, I intimate ‘And I enjoy girls that are direct, who cut from the chase, like you merely did. To get
    honest, which is a huge turn on.’

  5. We’re having coffee at Nylon Coffee Roasters on Everton Park in Singapore.

    I’m having black coffee, he’s possessing a cappuccino. He’s
    handsome. Brown hair slicked back, glasses that fit his
    face, hazel eyes and the most amazing lips I’ve seen. He is well developed, with incredible arms plus a
    chest that sticks out on this sweater. We’re standing ahead of each other
    preaching about our way of life, what we would like for future years, what we’re looking for on another person. He starts telling
    me that they have been rejected a great deal of times.

    ‘Why Andrew? You’re so handsome. I’d never reject you ‘, I only say He smiles at me, biting his lip.

    ‘Oh, I would not know. Everything happens for good reason right.
    But analyze, you wouldn’t reject me, does one
    Ana?’ He said.

    ‘No, how could I?’ , I replied

    “So, you wouldn’t mind if I kissed you at the moment?’ he was quoted saying as I purchase more detailed him and kiss him.

    ‘When don’t ask, just do it.’ I reply.

    ‘I love how you will think.’ , he said.

    Meanwhile, I start scrubbing my heel bone in the leg, massaging it slowly. ‘What do you prefer in ladies? And, Andrew, don’t spare me the details.’ I ask.

    ‘Everyone loves determined women. Someone who knows whatever they want. A person who won’t say yes because I said yes. Someone who’s not scared when you try something mroe challenging,’ he says. ‘I’m never afraid when you attempt a new challenge, especially in regards to making new stuff in the sack ‘, I intimate ‘And Everyone loves girls who are direct, who cut through the chase, like you simply did. To generally be
    honest, that’s a huge turn on.’

  6. We’re having coffee at Nylon Coffee Roasters on Everton Park in Singapore.
    I’m having black coffee, he’s having a cappuccino.

    They are handsome. Brown hair slicked back, glasses that suit his face,
    hazel eyes and the most amazing lips I’ve seen. They’re well made, with incredible arms including a chest that stands apart within this sweater.
    We’re standing right in front of each other dealing with us, what we would like money,
    what we’re looking for on another person. He starts saying
    that they have been rejected many times.

    ‘Why Andrew? You’re so handsome. I’d never reject you ‘, I believe that He smiles
    at me, biting his lip.

    ‘Oh, I can’t know. Everything happens for good reason right.
    But identify, you wouldn’t reject me, might you Ana?’ He said.

    ‘No, how could I?’ , I replied

    “So, you would not mind if I kissed you at this time?’ he was quoted saying as I receive more detailed him and kiss him.

    ‘The very next time don’t ask, do it.’ I reply.

    ‘I favor how you would think.’ , he said.

    Meanwhile, I start scrubbing my high heel in his leg, massaging it slowly. ‘So what can you enjoy in females? And, Andrew, don’t spare me the details.’ I ask.

    ‘I enjoy determined women. Someone that knows the things they want. Somebody that won’t say yes because I said yes. Someone who’s not afraid when you try a new challenge,’ he says. ‘I’m never afraid of trying something mroe challenging, especially in terms of making new stuff in the bed room ‘, I intimate ‘And I really like females who are direct, who cut over the chase, like you just did. To become
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  8. The best man is normally the grooms most trustworthy and faithful friend or relative.
    The perfect man is often the grooms most trustworthy
    and faithful pal or relative. The ushers could be the
    grooms brothers, cousin, or greatest buddies, or brothers and close
    relatives of the bride. Responsibilities of one of the best Man Before the marriage, he – pays
    for his own attire, purchased or rented. May give the envelope to the officiant before the ceremony.
    In the course of the ceremony, he – is just
    not a part of the processional but enters with the groom, standing behind the groom
    and barely to the left. After the ceremony, he – immediately serves as one of the witnesses in signing the marriage license.
    At the reception, he – doesn’t stand in the receiving line until he is also
    the father of the groom. After the reception, he – promptly returns
    both his and the grooms rented formal put on to the suitable location.

  9. The best man is usually the grooms most trustworthy and faithful pal or
    relative. One of the best man is normally the grooms most trustworthy and faithful good friend or relative.
    The ushers will be the grooms brothers, cousin, or
    greatest pals, or brothers and close relatives of the bride.
    Responsibilities of the perfect Man Before the marriage, he – pays for his own attire, bought or rented.
    May give the envelope to the officiant earlier than the ceremony.
    Through the ceremony, he – is just not a part of the processional but enters
    with the groom, standing behind the groom and slightly to the left.
    After the ceremony, he – instantly serves as one of
    many witnesses in signing the wedding license. On the reception, he – doesn’t stand in the receiving line until he can also be the father of the groom.
    After the reception, he – promptly returns each his and the grooms rented formal wear to the suitable location.

  10. The best man is usually the grooms most reliable and faithful friend
    or relative. The perfect man is normally the grooms most reliable
    and faithful buddy or relative. The ushers could be the grooms brothers, cousin, or greatest buddies, or brothers and
    close relatives of the bride. Responsibilities of one of the
    best Man Before the marriage, he – pays for his personal attire, bought or rented.

    May give the envelope to the officiant before the ceremony.
    During the ceremony, he – just isn’t a part of the processional however enters with the groom, standing behind the groom and barely to the left.

    After the ceremony, he – immediately serves as one of many witnesses in signing the
    marriage license. At the reception, he – does not stand in the receiving line
    unless he can be the father of the groom.
    After the reception, he – promptly returns both his and the grooms rented formal wear to the appropriate location.

  11. The very best man is often the grooms most trustworthy and faithful good friend or relative.
    The very best man is often the grooms most reliable and faithful friend or relative.
    The ushers would be the grooms brothers, cousin, or finest mates, or brothers and shut relations of the bride.
    Responsibilities of the perfect Man Before the marriage, he – pays for his own attire, purchased or rented.

    May give the envelope to the officiant earlier than the ceremony.
    Through the ceremony, he – is just not part of the processional but enters with
    the groom, standing behind the groom and barely to the left.
    After the ceremony, he – immediately serves as one of many witnesses in signing the marriage license.
    At the reception, he – does not stand in the receiving line until he can also be the father of the groom.

    After the reception, he – promptly returns each his and the grooms rented formal put on to
    the appropriate location.

  12. We’re having coffee at Nylon Coffee Roasters on Everton Park in Singapore.
    I’m having black coffee, he’s possessing a cappuccino.
    They are handsome. Brown hair slicked back, glasses that suited his face, hazel eyes
    and the most beautiful lips I’ve seen. He’s well-built, with incredible arms and a chest that is unique on this sweater.
    We’re standing in the front of each other referring to our lives, what you want for future years, what
    we’re searching for on another person. He starts telling me that she has been rejected lots of times.

    ‘Why Andrew? You’re so handsome. I’d never reject you ‘, I have
    faith that He smiles at me, biting his lip.

    ‘Oh, I do not know. Everything happens for a good reason right.
    But analyze, can you reject me, does one Ana?’ He said.

    ‘No, how could I?’ , I replied

    “So, would you mind if I kissed you today?’ he said as I purchase closer to him and kiss him.

    ‘Next time don’t ask, function it.’ I reply.

    ‘I’m keen on how you will think.’ , he said.

    At the same time, I start scrubbing my high heel in the leg, massaging it slowly. ‘So what can you like in women? And, Andrew, don’t spare me the details.’ I ask.

    ‘I adore determined women. Someone that knows what they have to want. Somebody who won’t say yes although I said yes. Someone who’s not scared when you try something mroe challenging,’ he says. ‘I’m never afraid when attemping a new challenge, especially on the subject of making a new challenge in bed ‘, I intimate ‘And I adore women who are direct, who cut from the chase, like you simply did. To get
    honest, that is a huge turn on.

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  14. The perfect man is often the grooms most reliable and faithful buddy or relative.
    The most effective man is usually the grooms most trustworthy and faithful friend
    or relative. The ushers often is the grooms brothers, cousin, or greatest buddies, or brothers and close family of the bride.
    Responsibilities of the perfect Man Before the marriage, he – pays for his own attire,
    purchased or rented. May give the envelope to the
    officiant before the ceremony. Through the ceremony, he – will
    not be a part of the processional but enters with the groom, standing behind the groom and slightly to the left.
    After the ceremony, he – instantly serves as one of
    the witnesses in signing the marriage license. On the reception, he –
    doesn’t stand in the receiving line unless he can be the father of
    the groom. After the reception, he – promptly returns each his and the grooms rented formal wear
    to the suitable location.

  15. The most effective man is usually the grooms most trustworthy and faithful friend or relative.
    The very best man is often the grooms most reliable and
    faithful pal or relative. The ushers would be the grooms
    brothers, cousin, or finest associates, or brothers and close kinfolk of the bride.

    Responsibilities of the best Man Before the marriage, he – pays for his
    personal attire, bought or rented. May give the envelope to the
    officiant before the ceremony. Throughout the ceremony, he –
    is not part of the processional but enters with the groom, standing
    behind the groom and barely to the left. After the ceremony, he – immediately serves as one of many witnesses in signing the wedding license.
    At the reception, he – does not stand in the receiving line until
    he can also be the father of the groom. After the reception, he – promptly returns
    each his and the grooms rented formal wear to the appropriate location.

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  18. The perfect man is normally the grooms most reliable and faithful friend or relative.

    The perfect man is usually the grooms most trustworthy and faithful good friend or relative.
    The ushers could be the grooms brothers, cousin, or finest pals,
    or brothers and close family members of the bride.

    Responsibilities of the most effective Man Before the marriage, he –
    pays for his personal attire, purchased or rented. May give the envelope to
    the officiant earlier than the ceremony. In the course of the ceremony, he –
    will not be part of the processional however enters with the groom, standing behind
    the groom and slightly to the left. After the ceremony, he – immediately serves as
    one of many witnesses in signing the wedding license.
    On the reception, he – doesn’t stand in the receiving line until he
    can be the father of the groom. After the reception, he – promptly returns both his and the grooms rented formal wear to the suitable location.

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